Welcome to VARx Incorporated

888-VARx-inc (888-827-9462) USA 856-589-0053

Your DEC Field Service Solution

DEC field service and VMS consultants. DEC VAX, DEC ALPHA and DEC PDP hardware by VARx Incorporated

Varx Incorporated, May I help you ? VARx Incorporated sells DEC monitors, DEC printers and DEC disk drives. We refurbish DEC hardware to the highest standards in the industry and warrant them accordingly. All inventory is stress tested before shipping. Although VARx resells ALL DEC products, our regular clients have come to depend on our quality repair of their higher failure disks, printers, and monitors.

Why pay a broker markup when you could have had a VARx...

VARx also provides field service contracts for the South Jersey, Philadelphia, Wilmington DE area and now Nationwide. VMS consultants are available for short or long projects at a reasonable rate. Varx Inc, 1035 Main St, Pitman, NJ 08071
Call us for a quote on your field service contract.

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